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August Beauty Favorites

Hello :)
As I promised, I'm doing another favorites.
This month I tried quite a lot of products, however I didn't test them properly enough to already be in my favorites. I do take my time to fully test products :)
And as a result here are only 4 favorites, because these were/are really my favorite products, not just the ones I used a lot ! Less is more :)

Zara LXXXV perfume (EDT)
I never thought I would like this perfume as much as I did/do. It is a really fresh, but a bit musky and lady-like perfume. I feel grown-up and fresh while wearing this one. It doesn't stay on my skin for hours, however it still stays on me for some time. I'm into less strong scents at the moment, so this one is perfect ! Sometimes I even bring it with me in my handbag. The price was really cheap, like around 5 € on sale. Although, unfortunately it was a limited edition, I'll still try some other Zara perfumes in the future and so should you !

Nisem si mislila, da mi bo tale parfum tako zelo kot mi je bil in mi je še vedno. Je zelo svež vonj z malce mošusa, ampak je vseeno zelo ženski. Ko ga nosim se počutim malce bolj odraslo in sveže. Čeprav ne ostane na meni po več ur, vseeno ostane na meni nekaj časa. Trenutno so mi všeč vonji oziroma parfumi, ki niso preveč močni, zato je ta pravšnji ! Včasih ga tudi nesem s seboj. Bil je tudi zelo poceni, saj sem ga kupila na razprodaji - drugače so Zara parfumi že tako res ugodni. Tale je bil omejena izdaja, vendar bom drugič vseeno še sprobala kakšen Zarin parfum in tudi vam priporočam, da si jih ogledate !

Olaz Regenerist Face Brush
This month I bought this face brush immediately when I saw it. I have since fallen in love with it and am hoping to write a full review soon. I already recommend it and I enjoy every day.

Ta mesec sem si kupila tole "ščetko" za obraz, takoj ko sem jo videla v drogeriji Müller. Nekako sem se "zaljubila" vanjo in upam, da bom lahko kmalu delila svoje mnenje z vami. Jo priporočam, saj uživam v uporabi.

Eucerin Dermopurifyer Cover Stick (concealer)

I swear this should've been already in my july favorites. I don't like the smell of it, however it works amazing (at least to me). I use it around my nose where my skin is really red and a bit on inside of the nose where you can see the red veins - which I hate. It covers everything perfectly because it has a full coverage, however the color is a bit darker, but at the moment it suits my a bit tanned face - also I think when you blend it, it lightens. Unfortunately it comes off when I wipe my nose, but I can't help with that - all the concealers do that to me.

Tale izdelek bi moral biti že v mojih julijskih najljubših izdelkih, vendar sem pozabila. Ni mi všeč vonj, ampak tale korektor res deluje super. Jaz ga uporabljam okoli nosa kjer je moja koža zelo rdeča in pa tudi malce na notranji strani nosa oziroma ob strani kjer se mi vidijo žilice - kar mi gre res na živce in jih je drugače zelo težko prekriti. Tale korektor zelo dobro prekrije vse, tako da se nič ne vidi skozenj. Čeprav je odtenek malce temnejši (sama sem drugače porcelanasto bela) ampak mi trenutno na obrazu kar ustreza saj ob zabrisovanju postane svetlejši. Na žalost se edino hitro zbriše, ko si obrišem nos ampak temu ravno ni pomoči, ker vsi korektorji to počnejo.

Schwarzkopf Invisible Power Hairspray
I really like this hairspray because it doesn't stick your hair together but it still tames them and is quite strong. I actually do prefer it over the Power version. I use it all the time when I have my hair in a ponytail.

Zelo mi je všeč tale lak za lase saj las ne zlepi, ampak jih še vedno ukroti in je kar močen. Bolj mi je všeč kot originalna verzija Power. Sama ga uporabljam vedno, ko so moji lasje speti v čop :)

Love and Lemons, Simona

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