Despite apocalyptic weather forecasts, the weekend has started rather brightly in my neck of the woods. To further brighten the weekend, I bring you the latest finished minis from my painting table - sneaking in just before a weekend with the family.
British Naval Officer for the Sudan
I submitted him to join the ongoing LAF 'Colonial Painting Expedition' to paint 100 minis between the forum members.
I also painted a petty officer, with these two bringing my Naval Brigade to a more respectable eight miniatures, plus supporting Gardner gun. The same pack netted me Admiral Hewitt to serve as a commander - potentially forming part of the British C-in-C base.

I also painted a petty officer, with these two bringing my Naval Brigade to a more respectable eight miniatures, plus supporting Gardner gun. The same pack netted me Admiral Hewitt to serve as a commander - potentially forming part of the British C-in-C base.
I also managed to capture evidence that the latest addition to the household, Wispa, is a lady after my own heart. Momentarily leaving dice on the coffee table, she quickly decided skimming them across the floor was a fun game.
If in doubt, give it a sniff
Feline nonsense aside, the Wyvern chaps have out a shout out for a club project in 2015 using the Empress Spanish Civil War range. As if I needed more temptation for such lovely models. Mind already spinning around potential forces and even conversions, overambitious given my limited knowledge of the subject. I really should resist, but it will be quite a challenge.
Of course, to game in 2015 means I should jolly well get on and paint sooner rather than later - the Sudan has been two years in the making so far!
Feline nonsense aside, the Wyvern chaps have out a shout out for a club project in 2015 using the Empress Spanish Civil War range. As if I needed more temptation for such lovely models. Mind already spinning around potential forces and even conversions, overambitious given my limited knowledge of the subject. I really should resist, but it will be quite a challenge.
Of course, to game in 2015 means I should jolly well get on and paint sooner rather than later - the Sudan has been two years in the making so far!
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