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More Links!

I know, when am I going to do something over here? I’ve got a few fires burning, but without the ability to do it online at home, well… I’ll stop my bitching here.

I have a Traumafession over at Kindertrauma.

So. Exciting.

Check out my warped memories of The Prisoner. Thank you to Unkle Lancifer and Aunt John for giving me a really nice write up along with some linkage to my work! It is most appreciated!

Also, my great online friend Joseph Henson (owner of the now defunct but hopefully not defunt in the future) site/webgroup The Bodycount Continues) is doing a Slasher Cup Championship. Basically, everyday he randomly picks two 80s slashers and pits them against each other. It’s up to OUR votes to determine the winner, so go over there and defend your faves! Joe’s great so leave a comment and say hi while you’re at it!

And I’m feeling the love for Anchorwoman in Peril – Not that I ever stopped, but his Sham Shocktober theme has been great and I’ve been enjoying going over and giving my two cents. Because you know, I’m all about giving the two cents. Also, Ross inspired the above photo because of his awesome review of Aenigma! Way to go Ross - encouraging stalkerdom all through the land!

I think for Made for TV Mayhem, I’m looking at two new lists and I’ve got an idea I want to work on for an article, but I haven’t fleshed out the details yet. So let’s see how it plays out, no?

Be well all!

Two men, one cowboy hat. I could just die!

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