Once in a while I'll be posting restaurant reviews on places I visited before I began this blog. This is one of those things that makes me realize I should have done this a long time ago.
Anyway, the restaurant in question is Donovan's, located at the Gaslamp District of San Diego, California. This was last year when I was invited to be a guest of the San Diego Comics Convention. Since SDCC 2012 is this week, I was reminded of my experience back there and my experience at this particular restaurant.
I wasn't sure if I was ever going to go back to the US again, so I thought I would love to experience what it's like to eat in a really fancy American restaurant at least once in my life.
A month before my trip, I went to their website, to see what I would expect, and yes, to make a reservation. It looked like for the first time ever in my life, I would have to wear something rather formal just so I could eat a restaurant. I made a reservation for 7pm on July 24, 2011.
I looked at their menu to see what I could possibly order, and I decided upon a 10oz Filet Mignon and their Seafood Chowder. No wine! I have to be careful about ordering too much because I only had a limited budget for this. I also had to keep in mind the mandatory 15% tip at US restaurants. I figured I'd be spending at last $60-$80 for this thing alone. Maaan. I'm only ever doing this once, and I would like to experience it at least before I die. So I bit my lip and went with it.
I went to SM and bought myself this formal jacket, which I most probably won't be wearing at any other time here in the Philippines because it would be so damned hot. But it looks nice and would be perfect for the occasion.
In the days leading up the date, I actually found myself practicing my order, like I was actor memorizing a line for a movie.
"10 ounce feelay minyon meedyum well and a clam chawder please. Just water."
At the comics convention I met people, co-workers and friends who would ask to go to dinner, and I always blocked off the night of July 24 as I had to go on an "important meeting". But of course.
July 24 rolls along and at my hotel room, I got myself ready.
Comic-con booked me at the Marriot, which was convenient as it's just next door to the convention, and a nice walking distance to Donovan's at the Gaslamp District. I had to be careful to go to Donovan's Steak House and not Donovan's Seafood, which is a different place.
I was early so I puttered around a nearby gift shop getting stuff for people at home.
At exactly 7pm I entered Donovan's.
I was kind of dark inside... not really dark, but perfectly lighted to be conducive to privacy and well, eating. It's like entering a library. It's as if you had to speak softly and tread lightly. It was actually pretty nice. I got into the mood right away.
I already knew what I was going to order, but I made a pretense to look over the menu nevertheless. Besides, I'm one of those people who actually love looking at menus. Once in a while there would be an item there that's not in their online menu.
I ordered my steak and sat back and took in the ambiance. At a table nearby, another comics pro was there with his wife talking about future projects. Based on what they talked about, I could get an idea of who he was.
Shortly after, the waiter brought in a huge piece of bread and some butter. Probably their complimentary appetizer. Oh man. If I eat that bread I'd already be full for the entire night. I just took a little bite, and felt bad I was leaving too much uneaten.
The clam chowder arrived and to be honest, it's one of the best soups I've had in my life. It was just terrific.
Shortly after that, the steak finally arrived.
A little side note to say that I really don't eat much pork or beef anymore (for health reasons), but this is one of those times I'd made an exception. This is one of those once in a lifetime things that I just want to experience once, just to say I've done it. I was also curious what American steak tastes like, after seeing so much of it in American TV and film.
The steak came in with some mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. I like my steak medium-well. I wasn't brave enough to try it medium-rare.
And the verdict?
It's the softest piece of beef I ever had in my life. It was insane. It was as if I was eating cotton, it was so soft. Outside was somewhat crunchy, but the inside just practically melted in my mouth. The taste was interesting. It tasted somewhat different from the beef I normally get to eat here in the Philippines. It wasn't on the salty side, and perhaps it's lack of saltiness made me appreciate it kind of less. Taste wise I've had better steak here at home, but the softness of it just blew my mind.
All in a all it was a rather memorable experience, and I don't regret a single moment. It most likely won't ever happen again, but at least I have the memory of it.
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