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Happy Fall Y'all! & MY Secret Pie

Howdy gals..Happy Fall Y'all...ahhh can you smell the weather a changin'! I sure can & I am happy as pie about it! Here i am in my early 40's lil farm zip dress with the sweetest red & white gingham...piggy tails and cowgirl boots...pumpkin & apple pie are in the air...So welcome to my day of bringin' in the fall...

howdy to one of my favorite signs ...cuz it's where i buy my very very favorite pie evah! You see fall is this gals time of year...and gals i've gotta bring the fall time in right...with my first stop being Julian California...pie country (hee hee i named it that!)

You see many many know about MOMs pies...who doesn't... and let me tell ya the pies are good & they are shipped everywhere! there is no wonder why the lines to get in are a mile long...its tradition to go to Julian for a MOMs pie...

the windows are lined with yummy pie goodness...& the smells kittens...oh my are sure delight!

Adorable de~lish goodies...from tarts to pies every kind imaginable

...but there is a lil' secret place gals...yep a small lil' secret that i found years ago! To buy the best darn pie evah!!!And to be honest gals... I never never tell anyone!

It's my sure way to get ahhhs and oooohs at every party...It's my Cat!!!! OMG where did you get this pie! ...but kittens i'm gonna do it...i'm gonna share my lil' secret...with you sassy gals...

right under this sight, across the street from MOMs...there is a small lil' screen window thats it! yup you say hi & you order a apple pumpkin pie! you can't even see the whole person helpin' ya...and you've just gotta try this creation of goodness...its a Apple PUMPKIN pie!!!

WHat???! Yup gals...apple & pumpkin ...put together in one pie!

EKKKKKK! take a peek...a thin thin soft crust on the bottom, and sweet Cinnamon layered with apples grown right there in Julian, and wait for it...a thin layer of pumpkin..topped with a sweet crumbled topping! ahhhhh the best of both worlds pumpkin pie & apple pie. So for all of you who can swing in to Julian...take a taste of the world best pie in my book!
Next for those of you who can't...SLAP YOUR PAPPY GOOD! =) with this yummy pie...I'd like to share a lil' shoppin in Julian...fall goodness...

So on our pumpkin apple pie adventure the girls and i did a lil' fall shoppin' come along for the ride... aprons first...

yummy vintage stove...

wonderful vintage inspired oil cloth table clothes...i love the cherry and the oranges...

lots of pumpkins everywhere...

a lil' spooky whitch~y poo...ahhh such spooky evenings in fall...so now for a lil' treat...it's not the real thing...but sassy gals i found a pumpkin apple pie recipe...and i though to post it for ya...try it gals and let me know! Hope you enjoyed a lil' secret pie!

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