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Because many of you read this blog at work (it's my mission to bring glittery sparkleness to your work day!), I know you may have missed all the action that happened over the holiday weekend. So I must point you in the direction of the latest episode of Weighing Pork Chop. See it and love it now if you haven't already. And, also, I'm hosting a harrowing, first-ever, live chat session during John McCain's speech at the Republican Horror Show National Convention on Thursday night. Click here for more information.

Yes, lots of action is happening here all the time! Gabriel e-mailed me this from Venice or wherever the hell he is: "How is it I've been gone barely five days and there are twenty-seven unread Bamboo Nation blog entries in my Google Reader? You're addicted to blogging. We need to do an intervention."

I can't help that I have a deep hunger that can only be satisfied by the tears of babies! Absent those, it's the adoration of the blog-reading public that keeps me going. And I'm sure even the Italians understand that.

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