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Estate Jewelry Event

Goldstein's is excited to present an Estate Jewelry Event on Wednesday, November 16th from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.  We will have a collection of jewelry including Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian, Art Deco, Retro and Cocktail periods. In addition, we will have contemporary treasures, exotic gems and signed pieces for you to choose from.

So what can you expect to see?  Here is a quick look at jewelry trends for each time period.

  • Georgian - Georgian era jewelry, produced from 1714 to the mid 1830's, is extremely rare. Most pieces that survive from this period have been taken apart or modified in some way. Georgian jewelry was made almost exclusively by hand.  Diamonds, both table and rose cut, amethysts, topaz, sapphires and garnets were often used.
  • Victorian - The jewelry of this period, from 1837-1901, is steeped in royal British tradition and influence.  It was a prosperous time and with extra money to spend the public looked to Queen Victoria for fashion and jewelry etiquette.  The jewelry styles mirrored the periods of Victoria's life, as she moved from joy to despair and then back to joy again.  The years of the Romantic Period (1837-1861) reflect the love between Victoria and Albert.  Hearts, bows, flowers and birds were common motifs as were enameled serpents and snakes.  Upon Albert's death in 1861, Victoria entered a long period of mourning.  The trend of wearing mourning jewelry emerged.  Memorial jewelry to mark the passing of a loved one often included pictures of the deceased or locks of hair.  Eventually, Victoria emerged from mourning and the late Victorian period (1880 to 1901) was characterized by a return to more whimsical designs like stars, dragons, griffins and crescent moons.
  • Edwardian - This period, from 1901 to 1920, saw a shift towards simple, classic designs and palettes to highlight a gemstone's inherent beauty.  Popular motifs included tassels, bows, laurel wreaths, garlands of flowers and scrolls that illustrated the refined yet energetic sensibility of the era.
    • Art Deco - Jewelry designs of this period, from 1920 to 1935, are characterized by geometric designs and bold colors.  Diamonds were extremely popular and were often accompanied by the bright colors of rubies, sapphires and emeralds.  The use of black onyx in contrast with white diamonds is a defining style of the period.
    • Retro - Retro jewelry refers to the style of jewelry that was popular from 1930 to the end of the 1940's.  Retro jewelry is colorful, bold and elaborate.  This was the Hollywood golden age and the jewelry reflected all the glamour and glitz of the silver screen.  It was dazzling and centered on impressive statement pieces.  It is characterized by curved designs and feminine motifs such as bows, ribbons and flowers.

    Come in and join us for this exciting event!  You never know what you might find!

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