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April Favourites!

My oh my how time flies when you’re having fun. My April was a pretty darn good month, but it went by insanely fast. The first half of the month I was at home on my Easter break from uni and I had the best time seeing my parents, seeing school friends that I missed and spending some time with Phil and his family up north. I had such a good time and feel pretty darn lucky to have so many nice people in my life. Now I feel like I should get on with the beauty reviews before anything gets too soppy!

April Beauty Favourites

Origins Modern Friction - I love Origins, but it’s pretty expensive which means that I can’t often buy anything from there. I was there a couple of months ago though and there was some sort of deal on where you got a few free testers with your purchase, and I totally forgot about them until recently. I’ve only actually used this product a handful of time so this is more like a first impressions comment on it. This feels great on my face - the formula is really gentle and has a rich, creamy sort of texture. The exfoliating particles aren’t at all harsh so I don’t feel as though I’m doing any damage to my skin. When I put it on my face it has a luxurious, expensive sort of smell that makes me think of the spa and as though I’m really treating myself. I’ll definitely consider buying a full sized version (bank balance permitting) once I’ve finished this.

Lipstick 173 by Inglot - This lipstick is a recent rediscovery. I bought it two years ago at IMATS and to be honest didn’t use it all that much following it. I loved the colour, but at the time I was obsessed with Hue by Mac and wasn’t using much else. The thing that slightly put me off this lipstick at first was that it was a little bit thicker and not as moisturising as I was used to (if you’ve tried Hue you’ll know what I mean). Upon trying this again though I’ve really liked it. It’s extremely pigmented and I love the look of the rosy, goldish tone on my lips. It also has a slight tone of peach which I think lifts the whole face. It is a little thicker than my favourite formula lipsticks, but it’s great colour pay off and now I don’t find it as drying with the help of a new little lip care trick (which I will be sharing with you very soon!).

Di Palomo White Grape Dry Oil - Every time I smell this product I remember how amazing it is - it really could be my favourite smell ever. This isn’t a perfume though, I dug this out when I was at home over Easter to try it out as a leave-in conditioner. I use this like you would Moroccan Oil and work it into the ends of wet hair and I have noticed a big difference. Not to mention I’m constantly sniffing my hair now! I have done a more in depth review of this product here.

Maybelline Dream Touch Blush - I got this as a cheeky add on an order that I did a few weeks ago. I wasn’t expecting much, but I was really pleasantly surprised with this product, especially as I didn’t think that the colour would suit me that much. Luckily it did, and I haven’t looked back. I like how easy it is to just pat this over my cheeks in the morning and I’ve got a beautiful sheen to my cheeks that will last for hours. I wrote a full review on this which you can read here.

Makeup Forever Aqua Eyes Pencil - I’ve had this little beauty in my makeup drawer for a pretty long time now and it is probably my favourite eyeliner. It’s a really soft texure, so it’s easy to blend out and you can even use it as an eyeshadow base. It’s also waterproof so perfect for using in the waterline which is what I usually do as an alternative to black liner, it’s a really subtle way to spruce up any makeup look. The shade that I chose is a vibrant bronzey gold which I think would suit absolutely any skin tone. I’m really keen to try out some other colours, and to be honest I really think that £13.50 for a product of this quality is a bargain - it’s lasted me so long and everthing about it screams perfection.

So that’s it guys. What did you think of my picks?
Is there anything that you love at the moment and can recommend to me for May?

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