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It would appear I've been living under a rock as I seem to have arrived late for this particular beauty party. Benefit's 'They're Real' mascara is the No1 best selling mascara in the UK. It seems there's good reason for that too.

I won't ramble on too much - I think everyone and their cat has either read the reviews on this gem or tried it for themselves. The packaging is a bit boring considering the usual Benefit fare but the product itself can't be faulted. I take a lot of pride in my eyelashes purely because I believe that they're the one thing I can truly be proud of and, without bragging, they're already very long, slightly curled and tend to fan out nicely. I usually find that natural brushes work best for me, volumising formulas instead of lengthening ones stop my lashes smudging onto the hoods of my eyelids and as I don't like scrubbing at my eyes non-waterproof mascaras tend to be my choice. By rights I should have hated this mascara with it's plastic wand, waterproof lengthening formula and the fact its a bitch to remove (as anyone that has used it will tell you - brilliant thought if you worry about your makeup not lasting). Somehow though, with all odds stacked against it, it's won me over. 

Looking at the difference that just one coat makes says it all. My eyelashes look fake - to the point where even Dave (who, I assure you, notices very little nothing) asked me why I was wearing falsies. 

It's a natural fakeness though - the kind you can achieve with lash extensions that come at a hefty price in spas and salons. The black is truly black and it stands out against even the smokiest of eye-shadow looks. The wand glides through lashes without leaving clumps and the formula doesn't smudge or flake. I'm in awe.
The only issue with this mascara is that it takes the most monumental of efforts to get off. It requires an oil based eye-makeup remover (I'm currently using the Lancome Bi-Facil - review coming soon), some soaking and then - just to make sure it's definitely all removed - a steam with a hot flannel and a gentle wipe for at least three times. If you definitely want a mascara that won't budge or smudge then this is the mascara for you! I never thought I was physically capable of mustering the motivation to go through a cleanse like that for one product but for the results Benefit They're Real gives then I think I'll put it with it.

Would I recommend it? YES. Definitely. Once you've tried this everything simply pales in comparison.

Benefit 'They're Real' Mascara is the UK's No1 best selling mascara. It's available from Benefit counters worldwide and well as from the Benefit website. RRP: £19.50. You can follow Benefit on Twitter and Facebook for news, new product launches and competitions.

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