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Help me plan the month of May; Plus: updates on giveaways & more!

Hello, Beautiful!

March is almost over, which means my crazy month of posting (what I've been calling my March Madness) is almost over. To finish out the month with a bang, each day (the 26th through 31st) will have 5 posts! It's kind of like the grand finale of this crazy month. And I just want to thank you all again for sticking around through this crazy month of posts - I know it's a lot to handle, but I wanted to try something new on my blog and see how much I could accomplish (a personal goal of mine); plus, I had a lot of products I wanted to share with you all!

For April, things will get back to normal with just 1 to 2 posts a day -- possibly 3 a day depending on when my monthly subscriptions show up (Birchbox, Beauty Army, MyGlam, The Look Bag, Sample Society, etc.). In April I'll be posting more nail related posts, hopefully having at least one every day or every other day! I'd like April to be focused mostly on nail art or nail related posts. My nails are still really short and in really bad shape, but I'm slowly working on bringing them back to life. But my blog isn't just a nail blog, so there will be makeup, skincare, hair care, and other girly posts too -- and of course giveaways!

April is "the birthday month" at my house; my birthday, my son's birthday, my husband's birthday, my mom's birthday, and my best friend's daughter's birthday are all in April. We do a lot of celebrating and having fun in April, but what I like to do on my blog is throw lots of giveaways for all of my readers! Stay tuned for a bunch of great giveaways in April, including another Surprise Follower Giveaway!

Now for what I need your help on... 
I want you (my readers) to help me plan my blog schedule for the month of May! Let me know what YOU want to see on my blog. Just leave a comment below or send me an email.

Please be specific with your requests so I can make May the best reader request month ever! I may not be able to fulfill all requests, but I will try to get to as many of them as I can in May.


If you haven't already, don't forget to enter my current giveaways - which are all ending pretty soon!

Those are all the updates and giveaway news I have for now. I hope you enjoy the last week of this crazy March Madness month of posts, and I hope everyone gets a chance to enter the giveaways before they end.

Remember, leave a comment below to let me know what you want to see in the month of May. You can also email me with your recommendation/request!


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