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Hello my lovely followers!

I have gained a lot of enrichment since starting my blog and I'm not just talking about the creative outlet blogging provides.  Over the past year and a bit I've made some good friends both here and overseas through my blog.  I mean that sincerely - I consider a lot of you my friends even if we haven't seen each others' faces because we speak so regularly!  I have a loyal bunch of followers who've stuck with me along the way (only very few have dropped off), and I've even received lovely gifts from some very generous people - you are all such a lovely lot and it's well over time for me to give something back to you. The easiest thing for me to do to show you my gratitude in a practical way is to run a little giveaway and - yes - this giveaway is open to my international followers!

I've selected an even mix of Australian* and international products and one lucky follower will receive these,  all paid for by me. 
  • Rimmel Colour Rush Mono Shadow (010 Envy)
  • L'Oreal Color Infaillible Shadow (Flashback Silver)
  • Models Prefer Ultra Lip Gloss Pencil (Kiss & Makeup)
  • Rimmel Colour Show Off Lipstick (220 Shocking Pink)
  • Daiso Rose Jewelry Lip Color (Happy Pink)
  • L'Oreal Volume Perfect Re-shaping Lip Colour (130 Blossoming Bouquet)
  • Modelco Eyeliner Pencil (Black 01)
  • Ulta3 Nail Colour (Purple Pumps)
  • Coral Colours Nail Enamel (Disco Pink)
  • Modelco Blush (Amaretto Sunset 03)
  • Bloom Lip Gloss (Shine - not pictured)
(*The Australian brands included are Modelco, Models Prefer, Ulta3, Coral Colours and Bloom.)

The rules are really simple because I'm not doing this to gain anything other than a sense of satisfaction from giving something back:

You must be a follower of this blog on Google Friend Connect (new followers are welcome)
The giveaway closes on Friday 30th November 2012
Random.org will be used to draw the winning entry

How to enter:
1) Mandatory: Leave your GFC name and email details in the comments below so I can contact you (1 entry)
2) Bonus entry: Add a comment letting me know which Australian makeup, nail polish or beauty brand you would like me to feature in future posts (+1 entry) 

Good luck Lovelies!

Vita :)

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